Saturday, February 20, 2016

Grain Free, Egg free Chocolate Cupcakes

Have you baked with almond flour, if not you have to try. They are so simple than the other grain based flours and quite healthy and tasty. These grain, gluten, egg, refined sugar free cupcakes are so simple to make, definitely a healthy alternate to store bought cupcakes and are yet tasty too. Do try and baking these cupcakes and and let me know, how you liked it. Preparation Time - 10 Minutes Baking Time - About 20 Minutes Makes - Around 15 Mini Cupcakes Ingredients Blanched Almond flour - 1 1/2 Cups (I used honeyville) Melted butter or Coconut Oil - 1/4 Cup Baking powder - 1 Tsp Arrow root powder or Tapioca starch - 2 Tbsp Cocoa powder - 1/4 Cup Salt - 1/4 Tsp Xantham gum - 1/8 Tsp Coconut Nectar/Honey/Maple Syrup - 1/3 Cup Coconut...

Grain free Chocolate chip cookies

It's been a long time since I posted anything in this blog. But I do cook, share clicks and recipes through email and whatsapp to people who are looking for it. Because it is easier to click with a phone and share it instantly no matter how the photo looks. So excuse me for the photos, but I am sure the recipe will be of interest to you. If you are looking for a gluten free, refined sugar free recipe then you should try this. You will not be disappointed. Cooking Time - 13 - 15 Minutes Preparation Time - 10 Minutes Makes - Around 18 - 22 Cookies depending on the size Ingredients Blanched almond flour(honeyville) - 2 Cups Baking powder  - 1 Tsp Salt - 1/8 Tsp Vanilla extract - 1 Tsp Melted butter - 1/4 Cup Milk - 1/4 Cup Coconut...

Saturday, June 23, 2012


An apple a day keeps the doctor away, I wonder why apple got picked for this proverb. Why not Avocado a day keeps the doctor away, yes avocado technically a fruit but used as a vegetable has tons of nutrients like Vitamin E, K , B, C and mono unsaturated fats. With so many health benefits it is good to include at least one avocado a day either in salads, smoothies or simply make this guacamole. Guacamole is an avocado-based sauce that originated with the Aztecs in Mexico. It is traditionally made by mashing ripe avocados with a molcajete (mortar and pestle) with sea salt.  You can use guacamole as a dip, salad or condiment. Guacamole with some whole grain chips and salsa serves as a good snack or starter. Or if you are looking for a grain...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Brown Rice Pulao/Pilaf

Summer time. Beautiful  flowers blooming all around, fresh colorful produce flooding the farmers market, no heavy winter clothing to wear and making life whole lot easier to move around and with kids out from school there is no reason to waste even a single minute in this wonderful season. So I settle down to easy to make, healthy and filling one pot meal dishes like this.  This brown rice pulao tastes simply fantastic with all the spices and herbs thrown in and seasoned with some pan fried cottage cheese(paneer) and cashews. Served with some spiced kidney beans(rajma), they are so tasty and filling and keeps you going for hours. If you include brown rice as a part of your diet, you should try this pulao and I am sure you will happy...

Friday, June 15, 2012

Home made Roasted Almond Butter

Summer vacation, kids at home, lot of cooking, snacking, running around, no time for yourself. I am sure I am not alone and this is what all the Moms experience. With kids at home, I am really kind of stocking up on lot of different healthy snacks. This is one such combo and comes very handy. Not alone they are healthy and natural but also tastes awesome together. Fruits because of the water content keeps you full and fat and protein content in almond butter curbs the craving and serves as quick and healthy snack. If you are some one you buys the pricey Almond butter in the store, then you should definitely read this recipe. Such a simple and easy one and home made almond butter just costs a fraction of what you buy in the store. If you happen...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Whole Wheat Date & Nut Cake(Eggless)

Baking is definitely therapeutic, if you love to bake you know what I am talking about. I used to bake a lot few years back when gluten was still a part of our diet. It is definitely lot of fun and very easy to bake with flours containing gluten. So I seriously look forward for opportunities to bake with wheat and make it for people who include them. My Parents include wheat in their diet and I baked these cup cakes few months back and sent it to them. This recipe I saw in a magazine  few years back and the recipe was for making the cake in Microwave. This is such a simple recipe and a definite keeper. I have changed the recipe slightly replaced the all purpose flour with whole wheat,  added more dates, as I had ton of them and cut...

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Black Chick Pea Snack(Kala Channa Chat)

Black chick peas are a good source of protein and Iron and of course complex carbohydrates.  They are nutritionally superior than the light colored garbanzo beans. As a quick snack I prepare sundal a traditional South Indian seasoned and stir fried snack with grated coconut. When I was half way making this dish, my elder one said asked me if, I can make something else instead of sundal.  After a little thinking I changed the supposed to be Sundal in to a much healthier snack by adding veggies and coconut and spiced it up with the sweet and spicy chutney.If you are looking for a low carb snack you should definitely try this, the veggies like cucumber, tomato, onion are safe for people who count carbs in their diet. Coconut is good...

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